Panzer, whom I call 'Pants' mostly, has turned a year old!
He is quite the odd little animal to cohabitate with. He thinks he is one of the dogs, but I would equate him more to a raccoon or a squirrel; something you would think is a bit too wild to live indoors.
Panzer is fascinated by electronics. He waits for the DVD and Xbox to open so he can attack the CD trays, he wants to know where the paper comes from when the printer is on, and he is a big fan of the ceiling fans. He won't leave my laptop alone either. He is either running across it, batting at the screen or trying to get underneath it. If my laptop is open and the screen goes to sleep, he will come over and touch the keyboard to get it going again. He gets excited when I play music over the laptop or my Ipod - circling around, digging underneath, smelling and tasting the noise-maker all in the effort of finding where the sound comes from.
Panzer waiting patiently for the chance
to get his paw caught in the DVD player.
Panzer is really active. He needs constant stimulation. He is hard on the furniture, the old cat, and my flesh. He prefers to attack one of the dogs (Tatum) and lick the other (Brisbie). The licking seems cute and affectionate, but Brisbie is not his biggest fan and she growls at him when he tries to groom her. Panz thinks he is one of the dogs and gets really upset when they go somewhere he doesn't. When they go outside to play ball, he expects to go too and then spends his time jumping out of the bushes and attacking the dogs as they pass, and climbing trees at maximum possible speed.
He is a ruthless bag-ivore (be it plastic or paper), a murderer of yarn (especially if it is attached to a project), and a thief of other people's food (no matter how full his own bowl is).
What's good about him? He is hilarious and adorable. Panz is very interested in everything I do. He waits outside of the bathroom for me, throws himself down on my lap in a fuzzy little ball, lays across the back of my neck to watch me knit or type, every move he makes is accompanied by a tiny trills and squeaks as though he were a toy, he plays fetch with his favorite toy.
He also has the most amazing fur. I keep saying I'm going to make myself a Panzer hat one day. And the belly. He has the cutest, fat, squishy belly. If you can survive the retaliation, it's well worth a squeeze.
Happy Birthday, Pants. :)
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